'World News Tonight' Producer Promoted

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ABCNEWS 2003NEW YORK (AP) - ABC News on Monday promoted "World News Tonight" executive producer Paul Slavin to a new job as top deputy to network news president David Westin.

As senior vice president of ABC News, Slavin will be in charge of ABC's newsgathering operations, as well as its affiliate news service, online news service and special events team.

He assumes most of the duties of Paul Friedman, who in February quit as ABC News' No. 2 executive to teach and produce news.

Slavin, 46, is an ABC News lifer, having joined the network as a desk assistant in 1979. He's been the top executive behind Peter Jennings' nightly newscast, rated No. 2 behind NBC's "Nightly News."

ABC has not named a replacement for Slavin at "World News Tonight." He'll continue to oversee the broadcast until a successor is appointed.